A new school year means a new teacher and maybe even a new school. If your child needs accommodations or is in a special education program, it may mean a new IEP team. Add the transition from summer to the school routine, and your to-do list can quickly become overwhelming.
Here is a simple parent-tested way to prepare for back-to-school: create a one-pager about your child to share with school staff. Chances are busy teachers will appreciate having this information handy:
Would you mind emailing me the info sheet so I can print more? I gave them all out and only kept the one I wrote on!
Megan, Special Education Teacher
Not sure where to start? Use our free template and check one thing off your list!

Follow this link to open the template in Canva.
Note: You will need a free account to edit, save, and download the one-pager as a PDF document.
Looking for more practical tips for back-to-school inclusion? Check out our friends at Parenting Special Needs Magazine. For more support and information throughout your parenting journey, find a Parent to Parent program near you.