What’s on Your Special Needs Back-To-School Checklist?

An Example of a Student Profile

A new school year means a new teacher and maybe even a new school. If your child needs accommodations or is in a special education program, it may mean a new IEP team. Add the transition from summer to the school routine, and your to-do list can quickly become overwhelming. Here is a simple parent-tested way to prepare for back-to-school: … Read More

P2P USA’s Marsha Quinn Featured on Handi-Link

Handi-Link Logo

Our Co Executive Director, Marsha Quinn, recently spoke with Cam Wells, host of the syndicated radio program Handi-Link, about the Parent to Parent movement. Listen to the episode below to learn more about who the Parent to Parent network serves, the impact of the pandemic on households with children and youth with special health care needs, and more. Marsha’s interview … Read More

[Sponsored] Learn About a New Rescue Medication for Seizures

New Seizure Rescue Medication Webinar

On July 14, Parent to Parent USA hosted a free learning event for people living with episodes of frequent seizures––and for their care partners. If you missed the live event, you can watch the recording here. You will: Learn about episodes of frequent seizures (2 or more seizures in 24 hours that are different from usual seizures) and why you … Read More

Watch: Navigating Social Security

Title slide from Shellie Lott's presentation on Navigating Social Security

Social Security is a complex system to navigate. Several benefits programs provide financial assistance to people living with disabilities. Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) are the two most common federal programs. Being aware of, and applying for, these benefits is an important part of planning for future care for your child. Does getting started feel … Read More

Watch: AMCHP’s Virtual Roundtables on Telehealth

Parent to Parent USA is proud to support AMCHP’s ongoing telehealth work by providing technical assistance to maternal and child health programs. Through a series of roundtables, AMCHP and its partners have highlighted how telehealth can improve health equity and access to care. In particular, for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (CYSHCN) and their families, telehealth can … Read More

What does Mother’s Day look like for your family?

A frame that reads "Tell your story"

Mother’s Day is coming up and we know that it can be a hard day for some of us. To the moms who never, ever give up: we want to celebrate you and showcase your stories. So tell us: what does Mother’s Day look like for your family? What do you wish others knew about you as a mom? Tell … Read More

Lenn’s Story

Lenn Boston and his family

We are honored to introduce board member Lenn Boston of Kalamazoo, MI, a retired U.S. Navy Chief Petty Officer, real estate agent, and father of four, including a daughter with Angelman Syndrome. “We all have something that we’ve experienced in life that could possibly help someone else.” Lenn Boston Hear his uplifting and inspiring story about a blended family whose … Read More

Wanted: Veterans of Adaptation

Parent to Parent USA Co Executive Director Lily Brown is a contributor to the March/April 2022 issue of Parenting Special Needs Magazine. In keeping with the Health & Wellness theme, she reminds parents that they are strong, resilient, and have much sage advice to offer others. “While we don’t know what the future holds, as you continue your journey parenting … Read More

2021 Leadership Institute Recap

A word cloud of feedback from the Leadership Institute: practical, informative, and helpful ideas

Parent to Parent USA held its 2021 Leadership Institute virtually on October 18-20, 2021. The Leadership Institute is the only national conference focused solely on the challenges of running a Parent to Parent program. Parent to Parent leaders from across the country gather to share best and promising practices to address the changing needs of families of those with disabilities … Read More